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[파주캠퍼스] 23년 북클럽 특별캠프 모집 (유치부:20명 초등저학년: 10명)
  • 담당부서 : 파주교육팀
  • 등록일 : 2023.11.01
  • 조회수 : 654

[특별과정] 23년 북클럽 특별캠프 운영 

          (유치부 20명 / 초등 저학년 10명)

□ 교육기간

○ 유치부 : 2023. 11. 07.() ~ 11. 09.(목), 3일간

○ 초등부 : 2023. 11. 14.() ~ 11. 17.(), 4일간

□ 교육대상 유치부 (6~7), 초등부(8~10)

□ 교육인원 : 30명 (유치부 20초등부 10)

□ 교 육 비 : 유치부 15만초등부 20만

신청방법 : 유선접수(031)956-2635)  ※ 선착순 접수!!!!!!!공유

 band.us/@evbookclub2  북클럽 밴드로 들어와 신청하셔도 됩니다

□ 교육장소 : Kiddy Wood (B03)

□ 투입강사 : 3명 (Julian, Rene, Lawren)

※ 오전 캠프 수업(3시간), 오후 캠프 수업(4시간)

 교육일정 및 교육내용 (English)

○ 교육일정 (유치부)






Enchanted Map Building

Students will learn about fantasy lands and design their own map.

Interactive Storytelling

Students will learn about the elements of storytelling. They will also take part in an interactive story through game challenges.

Escape the Dungeon

Students will engage in a variety of quiz based games to escape an imaginary dungeon as a team.


Character Maker (a)

Students will learn about the features of fantasy characters and design their own hero avatar.

Atlantis Musical

Students will enjoy a fun musical in our wonderful Auditorium.

Hero’s Satchel

Students will take part in a crafting class. They will design their own satchel bag to carry their heroic items to take home.


Character Maker (b)

Students will continue designing their heroes and form their hero’s character sheet.

Hero’s Inventory

Students will take part in a crafting class. They will make their hero equipment.

Test of Valour

Students will take part in a scavenger hunt to complete their hero training and win their final prize.

○ 교육일정 (초등부)







Enchanted Map Building

Students will learn about fantasy lands and design their own map.

Interactive Storytelling

Students will learn about the elements of storytelling. They will also take part in an interactive story through game challenges.

Monsters 101

Students will learn about the various monsters they can meet on their adventures. Not all monsters are bad, they students will learn ‘not to judge a book by it’s cover.‘

Escape the Dungeon

Students will engage in a variety of quiz based games to escape an imaginary dungeon as a team.


Character Maker (a)

Students will learn about the features of fantasy characters and design their own hero avatar.

Atlantis Musical

Students will enjoy a fun musical in our wonderful Auditorium.


This lesson will cover a variety of monster themed games. Students will use their judgement to play through these games.

Hero’s Satchel

Students will take part in a crafting class. They will design their own satchel bag to carry their heroic items to take home.


Character Maker (b)

Students will continue designing their heroes and form their hero’s character sheet.

Heroes’ Inventory

Students will take part in a crafting class. They will make their hero equipment.

Hero’s Potion

Students will take part in a craft lesson. They will have the opportunity to mix and create various looking potions. Students can label and choose what their potions can do for their heroes.

Test of Valour

Students will take part in a scavenger hunt to complete their hero training and win their final prize.


○ 교육내용 (유치부/초등부)


내 용

Study lessons

Lessons that teach students the elements of fantasy story making. They will learn about the genre through target language and images.

English Games

Interactive lessons that help students use what they've been taught, through activities and games.

Craft Lessons

Lessons where students will use their creativity to design and make a variety of crafts that will help theirs complete their hero’s training.

English Musical

A musical focusing on the underwater city of “Atlantis“. Students will have fun watching and participating this exciting production.